Sunday, May 8, 2016

The spirit

I have been catching up with x-men series for the past few days...I'm still on my way but I will be finishing it maybe tomorrow or the day after. I am preparing myself for the x-men apocalypse that will be up soon. Yay! The more I watch, the clearer I know who I like the most ------ The Wolverine.

Well, the main thing that I am always envy about the Wolverine is his high recovery rate. Maybe that's the thing that had never been there since young. I am still carrying my injury/scar on my right leg and I guess it will stay there forever? That somehow made me special when I'm in shorts.

The other thing is about his ultra resilience character. A few days ago, the result of my March exams was released and it kinda disappoint me a bit. I was experiencing quite a lot of dilemma as well. Result is not everything, but somehow when outsiders look at my masters course, the first thing that they will look at is result. Fact is unavoidable, let's put it that way. Now, should I just cope with my two modules & chill on most of the days, or should I continue to go for four modules and learn more. I believe I have shown my passion and hunger for knowledge, I believe I have shown my desire to excel, but maybe I am still a dull rock instead of a diamond for now.

I have read some interesting part of a book recently, it stated that: To cope well with disaster, you have to put yourself into difficult and devastating situation. My life, has not been very smooth especially during these few years. There are too many ups and downs, too many heartbreaks, too many nightmares, but the thing is, I am still here. These events will certainly make me a better person, as I always believe. Hence, it is better for me to continue to be determined, to play my role in the society whenever and wherever I am.

Certainly, I do not have metal claws, but I will pounce if I need to.

Look forward to the next x-men!! Always support Logan :D

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