Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Happiest day of the year

Two days ago is marked as one of the happiest day this year. Day time is just normal, routinely went to school in the morning and stayed in the library till evening. Then here comes the dinner with my beloved cousin.

First time in Bao. I am always a fan of Taiwanese food, so this actually was quite a surprise for me. I will definitely say the food was great, & hopefully I'll return soon!

Here comes the food gallery:


Finally, us! ^^

Anyway, back to the topic of happiest day, one of the reason is because she treated me the meal. Well, is probably a common thing, but it means a lot for me. I know how hard she works every week, how she saves her money, that's why I also don't want to waste her money xD! Meanwhile, it was her first time treating a person using the money she earned, that's why I is very meaningful for me. Thank you. 

I am always not the main character in a lot of things, there are lots of times where nobody cares much about me. Most of the days I return to my accommodation alone, taking the night bus, literally nobody cares whether I reach home, whether I rest well, etc etc. I'm really glad she is here with me, every time when either of us go back after meeting up we always make sure we are back. I'll also never forget the week which she stayed with me, when she first left I really missed the company.

We were never close until when she first came here last year. Now she is my cousin and a very good friend as well. This period of time also let me understand that I really enjoy taking good care of a person that I care about.

Life teaches me a lot of things, learning is definitely not from academic only. I am changing my focus of learning things since this year, because I felt like shaping myself from my life experience everyday. Happiness definitely outclass richness. The things that I feel like doing nowadays, is to appreciate life more, and make people happy.

Once again, thank you my dear cousin.

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