Saturday, June 4, 2016

Repetitive life

How to get rid of repetitive life? My life had been extremely repetitive, at least for the past few weeks. I usually spend my weekdays in school, because 2 - 3 of my close friends are always there, so I just feel like spending time with time by studying and having meals together. Meanwhile during weekends I usually just rot in my room, hibernating. Every weekend sleep until like, 11am, then wake up, roll in the bed until 12pm, continue trying to sleep because I am always too lazy to go to the nearby Tesco for groceries shopping. Although I know sleeping can't cure hunger, yet I still try to sleep until I really need food. What a life.

I was thinking of traveling or maybe going around during weekends, but then when I think about spending money, going alone, some more need to go so far to take train, I was like : Screw it, I just gonna rest in my room. Haha! Thought of exercising to become fitter, but end up exercising at most twice a week (Everyday tired). The only thing that I am keen/ hardworking to do is, watch movies. I believe this is a very boring life and I always tend to improve on it.

Well, life can be interesting in a lot of ways. For me, hanging out with friends will definitely be ideal. Last time I always feel that I need more alone time, but now I think I enjoy hanging out with friends gossiping and sharing about everything that is going on around us. Well, besides my very lazy manner, I also started to learn some French (Actually just sort of word matching) and I do it almost everyday. I don't think I will ever use that language in my future, but is a very good practice to learn new things everyday.

Finally finished Flash Boys by Michael Lewis last week, after reading it on my iPad for months. A very good book I will say, not technical at all, and it is basically talking about how high-frequency trading firms and banks exploit other investors, which should be known by more people to avoid being exploited. Just started to continue with my Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown last week, am currently reading the last book Inferno. Yay! Hopefully I can finish it ASAP, at least before the movie is released by the end of this year.

For the last few months here, I will probably spend my time picking up new hobbies. Although I can still do what I like back home, but there are probably certain restrictions and time constraints. Hence, I think I will appreciate the time in the UK more. Repetitive life can be interesting too, similar to adding colours to a black and white drawing. Meanwhile, let me enjoy the weekend first!

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