Sunday, June 26, 2016

Movies night

Watched two meaningful movies tonight...

Head off with The Martian. Actually was not planning to watch it at all, but my cousin seemed to be very interested so I was like "why not?". End up I understand why it is a good movie. I had not really watch much movies about space/ physics, but when I watch these movies, it sort of reminds me of the past three years dealing with Physics. I totally understand why I am not suitable to be an astronaut, I'm being so emotional and definitely cannot deal with do or die decision all the time. Besides the pride of going to space, being an astronaut is definitely a tough job.

Move on to the second movie after my cousin went back, somehow I felt like it is really worth it to stay up & watch it. Never regret it, impressed again by Real Steel. Although being a big fan of Hugh Jackman (Wolverine is the best) leads me to this movie, but it really touched deep into my heart. I have lost quite a bit of passion in life, but after this somehow I know I can be passionate about things, and also give it all for those that I love. Side note: I also feel like getting a boy next time, so cute! ^^

Had been very good friend with my cousin. Although technically I know her since young, we did not really interact much until she came here last year. She is more mature than I thought, maybe because she is the eldest in her family. As mentioned before, cooked for her for quite a bit, including today, but somehow I really enjoy taking care of her, & certainly the company from a person that really being very understanding and share similar interests. Yea, I took away some of my time to study for her, but I never regret it even for a second. Life can be treated differently, results & achievements are not everything, & I certainly understand what I want by now.

Well, no more classes, but for the remaining time in this country, hoping for a better me. Off to sleep! 

Saturday, June 25, 2016











Sunday, June 19, 2016


“放手后 爱依然在
雪融了 就应该化开
缘若尽了 就不该再重来”







Friday, June 10, 2016







Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Purpose of life

What is life about? At the end of every single day, what am I planning to achieve? This is probably a very debatable question as everyone has different dreams and things to achieve, yet I still can't really figure out what I want.

Recently is probably the most eventful period of time. Lots of friends had finished their exams and traveling around. Flipping through social medias' posts and saw tons of pictures/ albums about traveling. Well, since I am not available to travel at this moment then will just see where people usually go. Surprisingly Croatia become a very popular place to travel to during these few years, and is one of the country that I am planning to travel to. Maybe I will go there before I leave Europe permanently? I will decide on that soon.

Friends getting into a relationship and sharing their joy while being together is quite normal. But recently I also have friends/relatives that going into marriage, got a baby, or sadly broke up. That's why is an eventful period of time, because these events kind of caused me to have some mood swings. Relationship is a topic that is very hard to define, couples that are together for a very long time does not mean that they will be together forever. For me, managing a relationship is always a very tough task, and I certainly did not excel in it in the past. Should getting into a relationship and getting married in the future be the main objective of my life?

For me, life nowadays is about learning to minimise worries and unhappiness. When I was worried about exams, job, future life etc, I tried to get rid of it by learning together with a bunch of good friends. Maybe life is more about learning, rather than achieving success? At least at this stage I have the choice not to worry too much about success or failure. Recently some friends borrowed my notes for a module that I never take, which is out of my expectation. I was always doubting myself because I am doing unnecessary things or trying to learn more, but since my effort at least manage to help other friends in the subject I think that's probably worth it. Maybe happiness can be obtained by helping people around myself, probably feels better than getting good results. At least that's my objective in life for now.

Well, need to have some stuffs to look forward to when I wake up every morning, so that I don't roll on my bed forever wasting time. Maybe by then, I will know what is the purpose of my life. 

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Repetitive life

How to get rid of repetitive life? My life had been extremely repetitive, at least for the past few weeks. I usually spend my weekdays in school, because 2 - 3 of my close friends are always there, so I just feel like spending time with time by studying and having meals together. Meanwhile during weekends I usually just rot in my room, hibernating. Every weekend sleep until like, 11am, then wake up, roll in the bed until 12pm, continue trying to sleep because I am always too lazy to go to the nearby Tesco for groceries shopping. Although I know sleeping can't cure hunger, yet I still try to sleep until I really need food. What a life.

I was thinking of traveling or maybe going around during weekends, but then when I think about spending money, going alone, some more need to go so far to take train, I was like : Screw it, I just gonna rest in my room. Haha! Thought of exercising to become fitter, but end up exercising at most twice a week (Everyday tired). The only thing that I am keen/ hardworking to do is, watch movies. I believe this is a very boring life and I always tend to improve on it.

Well, life can be interesting in a lot of ways. For me, hanging out with friends will definitely be ideal. Last time I always feel that I need more alone time, but now I think I enjoy hanging out with friends gossiping and sharing about everything that is going on around us. Well, besides my very lazy manner, I also started to learn some French (Actually just sort of word matching) and I do it almost everyday. I don't think I will ever use that language in my future, but is a very good practice to learn new things everyday.

Finally finished Flash Boys by Michael Lewis last week, after reading it on my iPad for months. A very good book I will say, not technical at all, and it is basically talking about how high-frequency trading firms and banks exploit other investors, which should be known by more people to avoid being exploited. Just started to continue with my Robert Langdon series by Dan Brown last week, am currently reading the last book Inferno. Yay! Hopefully I can finish it ASAP, at least before the movie is released by the end of this year.

For the last few months here, I will probably spend my time picking up new hobbies. Although I can still do what I like back home, but there are probably certain restrictions and time constraints. Hence, I think I will appreciate the time in the UK more. Repetitive life can be interesting too, similar to adding colours to a black and white drawing. Meanwhile, let me enjoy the weekend first!

Wednesday, June 1, 2016



想了很久之后,其实我也是靠着精神支撑的一个人。应该是大概从大学开始吧。degree前三年几乎就是靠着周杰伦,林丹,五月天支撑着过去的。其实快坚持不住的时候太多了,回想起来真的不计其数吧。但之后也都还是靠着精神撑过去了。在伦敦的这一年,接触着完全不熟悉的领域,又是靠着精神去支撑的一年。许多电影,比如说fast & furious,或者是the hunger games,都能够支撑着我一段时间,这也是为什么我喜欢看电影的原因。最近一直在看的《极限挑战II》,是我现在的精神支撑。有几集真的是,看到最后都掉眼泪了哈哈。就像《男人的事》里面的一句 “你若要我兄弟为难 我就跟你没完”。这样的主题其实是最能打动我的,所以我想我到现在还是挺...男孩的哈哈。像男孩一样,喜欢一群男孩一起拼一起玩。


