Friday, December 30, 2016

Dreams can be sacrificed too

Since young, I always believed that dreams can be achieved. Well, in a way it is true. We can always achieve our dreams, only if we focus on it and overcome all the challenges. But I think the thing that I always think about nowadays is how to let go of certain dreams.

We are just humans, and there is no way that every dreams can be achieved (logically speaking). Somehow we have to sacrifice some of the dreams in order to continue with the journey of the ultimate dream. I probably have always wanted to be a badminton coach, or an army (because I think it is really cool haha), yet these are being sacrificed because I cannot do so many things at once. I guess I also need to consider from the perspective of my parents as well, they probably would not want their children to be in danger everyday. I guess I will not hope for the same for my future children as well. Hence, I sacrifice some dreams and go ahead with the more "logical" ones. I can't be that greedy right?

I am really envy of artist like Mayday, JJ etc because they really achieved their ultimate dream to become an artist. Instead of being envy, I will say I respect them a lot. I wanted to become a singer, yet I don't think I have the resilience to become a successful singer. Not a very good risk taker either, that's why this is not my career path.

I think after 23 years of living, started to become a bit more realistic compare to the past. Personally started not to believe in all those brainwashing promotions, recommendations, sales. After analysing most of them just benefit the person that sell the products/ services (Don't get me wrong there are still good & reliable salesperson out there). But I guess is better for everyone to sort of really think CLEARLY about it before accepting, or convincing other person.

On the issue of social responsibility, as I probably mentioned before, I don't think there is a need for me to prove to others that I am socially responsible. & voting is really just a process, & a vote might be able to change something. But whether a change is from bad to good, or from bad to worse, is a very essential thing to think about. I am not those ambitious individuals that think they are capable to lead the change for a better country. I think managing a country is so much more complex than a person could imagine. Being boastful and arrogant will probably lead to more crises.

A trip to Vietnam last week also reminded me to be appreciative on what my country has. Well, the public transport is a bit crap, but is definitely not the worse, and at least it exists. A lot of things can definitely be improved, and instead of protesting aimlessly here and there, maybe should consider an alternative of contributing gradually for improvement.

Self-reflection will probably change my dreams as I grow older, but no matter what is my life goal in the future being motivated about living is always the ultimate goal.

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