Thursday, March 5, 2015


Things changes as life goes on. This is a fact which is unimportant when life goes well but is hard to swallow when you have to accept the changes in life. Adapting to the change is not easy, but sometimes you just have no choice but to adapt as quickly as possible.

There is no turning back. Instead of remaining stagnant, the only way to move out of this imaginary box is to work hard and move forward. I know that, but is hard to implement. I appreciate the challenges & hurdles that provide me opportunities to grow, but sometimes I just need a break.

I probably changed, to a stranger for most people. It is probably an ordinary process, that prepare myself better to face the obstacles in the future. My apologies for being a stranger, but I don't think it is a bad one. I am still working towards my aim, just that I present it in a different way.

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