Friday, January 5, 2018

Look forward to 2018

Ended 2017 with a break that I have been wanted for quite a while, finally a few weeks without thinking about work, or working. Still not very used to it at first, but after all seem to be alright.

2017 did not go too well, quite a number of people that I know left this world, got into a car accident, got drunk for once, got sick which forced me to stay home for a week etc. Anyway these has past and no point talking about it for now. Just hope all the bad things won't repeat in 2018.

As usual there are things that I would want to achieve this year:

1. Pass CFA Level 2 exam
2. Improve and deliver the quality of work that I expect
3. Get a positive return in my portfolio
4. Read more books
5. Walk 500 eggs in Pokemon (on a less serious note)
6. (Maybe) get into a relationship
7. Pick up another language
8. Being more financially independent/ capable
9. Being less stressful?
10. Participate in a half marathon

Anyway these are the plans, direction for me to work towards, but not an obligation.

Hope 2018 is better, but also foresee more challenges ahead.

Never lose hope, stupid but strong.

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